Friday, November 16, 2018

Wilhelmina's first snow escapade!

Last year, there was not much snow and Wilhelmina was a little too young for much adventure in the cold. This year, however, we received a winter surprise. An early snowstorm! And the best part about it was that the day after the snowstorm the temperature hit almost 50 degrees, making it the perfect weather for Wilhelmina's snowy escapade...

I have to admit the picture above was staged. One of my favorite winter pictures of Niamh is below. She was 3 (Wilhelmina is 2) and it was taken 4 years ago during the last winter at our old house. 

Stay tuned for more side by side pictures of Niamh and Wilhelmina. Some of them are hard to tell apart!

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Snow days are fun and challenging!

There are a lot of teachers in my family. So I know all about the joy of the phone call from school saying school is off. Teachers and students rejoice. But what about parents?

Our power was out for a few hours in the morning (and therefore our heat), so we had to do a little cuddling together under the blankets...

But that didn't stop us from making a snowman (with a banana mouth!) and snow angels!

Thank you to Mom for going into work a little later and watching Wilhelmina so the rest of us could play in the snow outside. Even though Wilhelmina didn't get to enjoy the cold, she got to enjoy the hot chocolate!

Was I excited to get the snow day call? I think I was. Snow days are fun and challenging, but I wouldn't trade this challenge for the world!

Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Parks, bubbles and blooms

The weather has been so amazing that one of our trees decided to bloom early. This picture was not easy capturing while holding Wilhelmina in one arm, leaning back to get out of the way, making a goofy face to initiate the smile and trying to point my finger in just the right spot on my phone to take the pic...

Sully poo pooed on the potty for the first time (and 2nd and 3rd!) this week! He's been getting lots of treats and special trips including going to this park...

Bubbles have been HUGE in our house the last couple of weeks. Niamh and Sullivan have been spending hours blowing bubbles and Wilhelmina is finally getting in on the action...

Have a great night!

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Happy Valentine's Day!

I am counting my blessings today. I have a gorgeous wife and 3 beautiful little valentines (Sully asked for flowers, too!)

I just went through the pictures on my phone from this week. The weather has been amazing and we were able to spend a good amount of time outside. Here is what part of my week looked like...

This last one is not from my phone, but was one of the highlights of my week!

Happy Valentine's Day!