Friday, June 15, 2012

500 Kisses and Hugs Reward for the Capture of...

Niamh is offering a 500 Kisses and Hugs reward for any information leading to the return of Carrots, her beloved stuffed bunny. This is the last known photography taken of Niamh and Carrots...

The picture was taken at a wedding at Andres in South County Saint Louis on May 20. Carrots has been a missing stuffed animal for almost a month now.

For picture of the week, we've resorted to taking a photo with this elephant, that we have yet to even name...

As you can see, Niamh is not happy about the Carrots stand in. How can you be sad while hanging out on Beale Street in Memphis??

To cheer her up, we decided to try Daddy's all-time favorite drink... Wet Willies Call A Cab...

And, as you can tell...

Niamh completely forgot about Carrots. The Wet Willies did the trick! Niamh was feeling no pain (of the loss of Carrots).

Just kidding. About the Wet Willies. Not about the reward for the stuffed bunny.

Have a great day!


  1. That first picture makes me sad. I miss Carrots!

    1. But those last pictures have to make you happy!

  2. Oh, and the elephant does have a name-- it's Elemunk. But it's no Carrots. :(

    1. Elemunk, huh? I never knew that. I hope he grows on us (Niamh and I).

  3. I lost a white sweater that same evening at Andre's! Went back to check for it but to no avail. Carrots is on quite an adventure, it seems.

  4. When Sam was little and lost his beloved soft blue blankie, which he would not sleep without, we just stole one from someone else... shamefully, from his older brother, Scott, who STILL loved HIS blankie. They had the same blankie, but in different colors. We made Scott give up his to give to Sam. Needless to say, Scott has still not forgiven his parents for such trauma we caused him! Maybe you can find another Carrots from an unsuspecting victim. We feel for you, Niamh.
