Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy Baby!

Have I mentioned lately how happy Neve always is? She wakes up every morning with a smile on her face. It's amazing. Lately, she's also been getting into moods where she'll just giggle and laugh at a certain song or sentence or joke. While we were in Florida, Grandma had her cracking up by saying "You need to go to SLEEP" in her best baby voice. Tonight, Beth got Neve to laugh pretty hard at Peek-A-Boo. Here's a video...

And pretty much any time I want (just by singing a verse from "The Itsy Bitsy Spider" or "Humpty Dumpty") I can get this...

Or this...

Or this...

OK, I can't take credit for that one. That was all Great Grandpa!

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. so cute! one of the best ages ever :) hope you guys had a nice christmas!
