Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Happy New Year!

I hope everyone had as much fun as Neve did over the holidays. She got to spend a lot of time with both sides of the family...

She enjoyed opening her gifts...

And being read to...

OK, OK. Beth and I had a LITTLE fun too..

Who wouldn't have fun stealing their nephew's bike? ...Thanks Joshua!

With the New Year here, I made a few resolutions...

1. To exercise at least 4 days a week. Beth and I ran 3 full marathons in the 2 years before Beth was pregnant. During the pregnancy I started really slacking off. I actually ate a LOT worse than Beth and exercised a lot less. Did I ever mention that Beth ran a half marathon while pregnant? Since Neve has been born, we've both been slacking. Unless you count putting Neve to sleep by walking her around in the car seat... which is definitely a workout! (I've actually considered putting together a parody workout called the Daddy Workout or the Car Seat Workout...)

2. To only eat meat on the weekends. So, I'll be a vegetarian Monday through Friday night. I've almost been doing this already anyway. Since Beth is a vegan, we never have meat in the house and when I cook I normally cook vegan. But this resolution will give me something concrete to work with.

3. To write at least 2 or 3 times on this blog per week! This one is the only one most of you will really be able to check me on. Except Beth I guess.

I will try my best with these. I pretty much HAVE to do better than last year. Last year my resolution was to drink less soda. But then I got a SodaStream for a gift! I've probably actually drank more soda as a result, but I buy almost no soda in plastic bottles anymore. Which I guess is something. Here's to trying!

I'll send out more pictures of our holiday celebrations later in the week.

Have a great night!

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