Monday, January 9, 2012

Banana Poop.

Neve had a dreaded blowout today. Since I've switched to using all-in-one cloth diapers (as opposed to prefolds), blowouts have become rare. But besides being a blowout, this poop was a little weird... it had these little dark strands in it. I initially thought that maybe Neve had got into some of Beth's yarn, however unlikely that might have been. I also thought they could have been some kind of worms. So, it worried me just a little bit. I took 2 pictures and since I have my trusty Eye-Fi memory card that uploads pictures online automatically for Beth to see, I knew that Beth would be able to help me figure it out.

When I was rinsing off the diaper, however, it was very clear to tell that it was banana! There was even a big chunk of banana that apparently just went right through Neve. I called off detective Beth and breathed a bit easier (at least after the dirty diaper was cleaned). I won't gross you out with pictures of Neve's poop, that's reserved especially for Momma.

The culprit...

I think this was Neve getting upset when the banana was taken away. But maybe it was her knowing her poop was gonna be weird for Daddy later...

Neve hasn't really had a lot of solid food yet, so I'll blame that on my newbie Dad response. We were told by the pediatrician that it's time to start feeding Neve solid food gradually. We have decided that we're going to very slowly introduce Neve to foods since Beth is planning on breastfeeding for at least a year. But Neve has tried a few things... very small bits of sweet potatoes, regular potatoes, bananas, avocados, refried beans, melted chocolate and rice cereal and sucked on watermelon, carrots, apples and green beans. OK, these foods maybe aren't exactly the recommended foods to start with, but like I said we are very slowly introducing Neve and she's just had a tiny bit of each. The way Beth and I eat, Neve will have plenty of time to be bombarded with a wide variety of foods!

Neve enjoying some rice tonight...

Of course, Neve likes to eat toys too...

We haven't fed her any Hot Cross Buns yet, but she likes reading about those...

Have a great night!

1 comment:

  1. we never followed the "suggested" first foods either...wally even had *gasp* peanut butter before he was 1. and rice cereal just sounded gross to me so we skipped that. what a fun experiment it can be raising these little ones! :)
