Tuesday, January 31, 2012


The first couple of days after Beth and I brought Neve home from the hospital, we tried to switch diaper duty at night. That didn't last long, though. Apparently, I'm a much deeper sleeper than Beth and she was finding that trying to wake me up in the middle of the night was just as much work as changing Neve herself. So basically since the first week that Neve has been in this world, I haven't had to do much baby duty overnight. I have offered on numerous occasions to take over, even saying that I could feed Neve with a bottle at night once in awhile, but Beth has been great and has done it all herself.

I do know it's a chore; Neve certainly doesn't look like this at night when she wakes up crying...

That takes a lot of hard work getting Neve to look like that. Lots of hair brushing. Just kidding, I've probably brushed her hair less than the amount of fingers I have on one hand. I'm sure you can tell that from most of her pictures.

Anyway, so lately I feel like the only time I have to myself is after Beth and Neve have gone to sleep late at night (well, that and Sundays for an hour and a half when they're at Mommy and Baby Yoga). So, for the last couple of months I've fell into a bad habit of staying up late at night doing things like watching movies, reading, writing my blog, playing Words with Friends, etc. But lately I really feel like staying up late and having an irregular sleeping pattern has really taken a toll on me. I do know that Beth has it much worse having to wake up numerous times during the night out of necessity to feed Neve. But hey, this is my blog and I'll cry if I want to.

This picture doesn't fit here, but Neve is playing her own form of Peek-A-Boo with me...

I have noticed if I make an effort of going to bed early and read in bed, I fall asleep quickly. So, I just bought a Kindle Touch (with the help of a very generous Amazon gift card for my birthday from my in-laws that was supposed to go towards a food dehydrator. This is probably the first my Mother-in-law has heard of that. Sorry Becky :) but I do really like the Kindle!). I had told myself in the past that I never wanted a Kindle. I really do love the feel of books in my hands while I'm reading them. But I wanted to get something that was very easy to read in bed without making a lot of noise. So, I've been trying the Kindle and it's been great so far. I've gone to sleep at the same time as Beth just about every night since I've gotten it and I actually fall asleep a lot sooner. So, hopefully my sleep schedule will become more regular.

I've also figured out a way to have the best of both worlds (in my opinion) regarding books. I "borrowed" the Kindle ebook from the library (which is so cool that I can do that online and not have to pay the ridiculous prices of ebooks) of the same physical book I am reading (A Storm of Swords). So, I read from the physical book most of the time and at night I read from the Kindle using a nifty light.  I also actually have a Kindle app on my phone so I can switch from reading the physical book to reading on the Kindle to reading on my phone (which I never actually do) fairly seamlessly. Crazy, huh?

Neve promptly had a blow-out after I took this picture today. I think those pants are a little too tight...

Wow, I just now noticed that it looks like she's giving me the bird. She must be smarter than she lets on sometimes. That must be payback for all of the embarrassing pictures I have saved up for her potential boyfriends.

What's out of place in these pictures I took of our yard today?

You got it, nothing! That's just my quirky neighbor taking advantage of the unbelievably warm weather and getting an early start on his "float" for the Mardi Gras parade. I love living in the city!

Have a great night! Thanks for listening to my rambling. Off to bed fairly early again...yay!

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