Sunday, February 19, 2012

Happy Mardi Gras!

We had a fun weekend enjoying just a little bit of the Soulard Mardi Gras festivities. Neve was in a festive mood...

Don't worry, Neve didn't have to do anything too crazy to get those beads. Beth and I were reminiscing throughout the day about our past Mardi Gras experiences. We both agreed it's quite different with a baby!

Those sunglasses Neve is wearing in the pictures above actually came off of a Build-A-Bear. That's why they're a tad bit small. Surprisingly, Neve is pretty good about having decorations/bows/ribbons on her head and face. Even toys. Sometimes I'll stick a toy on her head and she'll just go about her business until it falls off on it's own. Here's Neve in Daddy's new favorite hat (that she actually got me for Christmas)...

After looking at these pictures, Beth just reminded me of the issues that Neve has with socks. When I'm dressing Neve, I can never seem to find socks. Maybe part of the problem is that Neve can't seem to keep both socks on! Check out the above pictures... in one set her left sock is falling off and in the other it's completely off. And those pictures were taken on different days. Saturday after the Mardi Gras parade, we went to a mall and a lady stopped us while we were walking to tell us Neve was losing her sock. At that point, she only had one on. So, Beth had to backtrack our steps to look for the other sock and ended up finding it half way across the mall!

Speaking of the parade, guess who continued to stalk us...

OK, maybe it's the other way around.

Have a great night. Happy Mardi Gras!


  1. I saw that giraffe on the TV coverage and thought of your blog posts. Too funny.

    1. Yeah, that's our funky neighbor who designed, built and rode the giraffe in the parade. Neve and I had fun watching him practice on our street.
