Saturday, February 25, 2012

Not quite THAT amazing!

 OK, these pictures from the last blog aren't 100% real.  If they were, I wouldn't be taking a picture of it. Mom would kill me.  I'll explain how I photoshopped them next week.

Here are some real pictures from the last couple of days...

Can you hear me?

Crazy hair, courtesy of Mom's slobber. Seriously...

 She's losing her sock AGAIN...

 This one just makes me smile...

 Trying to get a silhouette of that nice, round head...

Have a great weekend!

I'll explain these pictures next week...


  1. you had me fooled! i was feeling sorry for you guys that you have such a climber already :)

  2. I hope she's never THAT much of a climber! Or I'm in trouble.
