Monday, April 30, 2012

Happy 9 Month Birthday Niamh!

9 Months Ago...

I can remember it like it was yesterday.

Happy 9 Months Sweet Girl!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Photo Album

Some pictures from the last few days...

 I think Niamh is starting to understand the need for her to pose with Carrots, the bunny...

Which, by the way, I forgot to mention that the first weekend ever we forgot to take a bunny picture... was Easter! Hahaha. I guess Carrots was busy that weekend. 

Niamh getting comfortable...

And of course... losing her sock! 

We still do get Sir Winton ChurchHorse out sometimes despite Ollie's advances...

Niamh thinks that's funny!

Momma's been talking about getting a new haircut with bangs. I think she wants to be like Niamh...

Niamh's newest favorite place to climb is her window sill...

Have a great day!

Monday, April 23, 2012

You need to go to sleep!

The title is kind of an inside joke. When we were in FL over Christmas break, Grandma got Niamh to have one of her first major laughing fits. Grandma kept repeating "You need to go to sleep" over and over. Niamh thought it was hilarious. Back on that day, I thought it was funny too. However, the last couple of nights, I'm not laughing. Actually, I now completely understand the "joke" of the book "Go the F to Sleep!"

I sure hope it's teething (so there's an actual end in sight) because the last few nights have been torture. Niamh's been waking up multiple times during the night screaming. Almost always Beth is the one who gets Niamh back to sleep. But somehow I was just able to do it just now. Yay!


This is NOT how Niamh looked tonight while putting her to sleep...

But looking at her face in that photo, I think Niamh has her own inside joke... "Haha Daddy... Just wait until tonight!"

Have a great (quiet, restful, no screaming) night!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

What to Expect? The Unexpected.

Niamh has still been pulling herself up on everything. The other day I caught her in the bathroom having just pulled herself up on the toilet! I shut the bathroom door after that.

It did kind of remind me of a movie trailer I saw recently though, "What to Expect When You're Expecting." I laughed out loud at that trailer! I think I need a group of Dads like the one in the movie that I can tell the things to that maybe I'm not quite comfortable telling Beth :) Just kidding Mom.

This is Niamh's "Old Man Shirt" ...

Even though I've been at this Dad thing for almost 9 months, there are still lots of things that I'm uncomfortable doing. A couple of examples are I don't like feeding Niamh solid food and I don't like clipping her fingernails. The solid food thing is obviously my fear of Niamh choking. I think the nail clipping phobia has something to do with once upon a time when I tried clipping Ollie's nails and I clipped a little too close and he wasn't happy at all.

Mom, check out her ring finger... it's getting sharp... I think it's time for a trim :)

Here she goes with those socks again...

Beth, Niamh and I were at the Cardinal game on Tuesday night with a couple of friends. Niamh was a trooper and made it through the whole game awake and happy (extra innings and all). We were sitting 14 rows from the field on the first base side. During extra innings, I was holding Niamh and a high foul ball came flying towards our seats. I held Niamh in my right arm and tried to catch the ball with my left hand, but it went just out of my reach a row behind us. BUT, the ball rolled right under our friend's seat and she grabbed it! She generously gave it to Niamh for her first foul ball! (while Beth was giving me the evil eye for trying to catch it)

Today, I put this dress (that was a gift from Grandma) on Niamh in honor of dropping off Grandpa and Great Uncle Tim at the Cardinals' day game today.

We stopped at Blues City Deli on the way to the game.


Thursday, April 12, 2012


Over Easter weekend while Grandma and Grandpa were in town from Florida, we also went to one of Beth and my favorite restaurants, Meskerem. It's actually the place where Beth and I had our first date. It's an Ethiopian restaurant. Most of the dishes are various "stews" that you eat, not with utensils, but with this spongy bread called Injera.

Niamh tried the Injera, which can actually be the plate, the food and the utensils...

 And she liked it!

Much more than Grandma and Grandpa did haha!

Try the veggie combo if you go. It's Beth and my favorite!

Have a great night!

Elephant Rocks

Niamh is going crazy crawling around and trying to climb everything in sight. She always wants to be standing up. I have no doubt that she'll be walking soon. That will make my job even that much harder! It's been really hard finding time to update this blog. Even when Grandpa comes over to help babysit for a couple of hours, I feel like I just use that time playing catch up on other things.

So I think I'm going to try and start update this blog in smaller doses, during Niamh's (hopefully long!) naps or whenever I can find the time.

Beth's parents came in town from FL over Easter weekend. Niamh had a blast hanging out with her Grandparents. One of the days we went and hung out at Elephant Rocks State Park...


Have a great day!

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


That's my personal best of steps in a day so far... 18,696! Niamh sure runs me around! Can't wait until Beth and I train for another marathon and I can get that number way up.

Check out the Striiv here... Striiv: Personal Trainer in Your Pocket

Or at my original blog post on it... March 26, 2012

Tuesday, April 3, 2012


For the first couple of months of Niamh's life, we took a picture of her with "Carrots," her stuffed animal bunny. I can't remember when exactly we stopped the daily pictures, but we have kept up with a weekly bunny picture (almost always taken on Saturday). Here are a couple of photos from the last 2 weekly bunny photo sessions...

To put "Carrots" in perspective, here are a couple of pictures I just scrounged up from when Niamh was about 2 to 3 weeks old...

From 8/15...

From 8/19...

Fun, huh? One of these days I'm going to put together an album of all of the bunny pictures (I promise Momma!)


I've come to realize that we actually have 2 babies in the house.

I feel bad for Ollie because I think he's still adjusting to less attention, but he's been extremely frustrating lately. I think he knows exactly when Niamh goes to sleep because that's when he exacts revenge by sneaking into the laundry room (which is next to Niamh's room) to bark at the laundry. He also likes to come up next to Niamh and I while I'm feeding Niamh a bottle and bark loudly in our ears. I guess he's jealous that I never bottle feed him.

I'm looking forward to when Niamh is old enough to hold her own against Ollie and get some revenge of her own.

BUT, I do love them both...

I'll leave you with a couple of pictures that I didn't post from a Tower Grove Park "photo shoot" we did recently. I got a ton of great pictures that day and haven't even had a chance to go through all of them yet.

Have a great night!