Monday, January 30, 2012

Happy Half Birthday Neve!

I can't believe Neve's been in this world for 6 months already. It seems like it has just flown by! But I also can't remember what it's like to not have her around. Here's to the last 6 months...

August 2, 2011 ~10am Neve was almost exactly 2 1/2 days old in these pictures, and she was already smiling! We knew it was smiling and NOT gas! Little did we know how happy of a baby she would be...

August 30, 2011 ~5:30pm Just a few hours before Neve turned 1 month old. She looks so skinny. Well, she's still skinny I think. But just today we were at the hospital helping Grandpa out and someone looked at Neve while she was sleeping and sarcastically said "Well, you sure don't feed her enough!" I think she was referring to Neve's fat cheeks! The cheeks only started to bulge just a month or so ago. The chunky cheeks were non-existent at 1 month...

September 30, 2011 ~11:15pm Too Cool for Two (months). This was taken just about an hour after Neve was exactly 2 months old. This was a bad hair month...

October 31, 2011 ~6:45pm Neve was channeling her inner gnome for Halloween just 1 day after she turned 3 months old...

November 30, 2011 ~11:45am Daddy's All-Star at 4 months olds...

December 29, 2011 ~3pm There's that round face!!! I think Neve had just woken up or just finished crying, but decided she wanted to smile instead...

January 30, 2012 (TODAY) ~11:30am Happy 6 Month Birthday Neve! This was taken today before our day got hectic. I'm pretty sure Neve was yelling "Yii Yii Yia Yia Yia Yii Yii Yii," which is her new favorite phrase. Beth thinks she is singing. Maybe she was singing Happy Birthday to herself...

Have a great night!

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