Sunday, July 15, 2012

Fireworks, Birthdays and a Parade!

We've had quite the busy couple of weeks. Beth was able to take off for the good part of the 4th of July week. Like I mentioned in my last blog, the 4th of July was a big day for us with Niamh walking for the first time. Here's some of the other stuff we did on the 4th...

We went downtown to watch the parade...

Then we headed to Beth's office to get front row seats to the Air Show...

We didn't quite get the full Air Show experience because the sounds were a little muffled from being inside. But we did have an awesome view! Here are some shots of the planes that I got...

We took another trip to Beth's office for fireworks later that week. Niamh was very interested in the fireworks. I think they were her first.

We had a great view. And even though Niamh didn't get to experience the booming of the fireworks as much if we were outside, we were able to avoid the nasty heat.

Then it was Momma's birthday last Sunday. We celebrated by taking a little day trip out to Washington, MO and had lunch at a winery. Niamh, of course, was excited...

 It was hot, but we braved it outside so we could see the Missouri River. We did try to keep hydrated...

The picture above of Momma and Niamh reminds me of one of my favorite pictures I took awhile ago of mother and daughter (that I don't think I ever posted to the blog)...

Happy Birthday Mom!

Then two days later it was Aunt Katie's birthday. Niamh was thinking about her from the beginning of the day at breakfast...

We were able to meet up with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Katie and Cousin Clare for a Mexican birthday lunch for Katie...

Niamh had a lot of fun, besides suffering the chokehold Clare had on her!

Stay tuned for the next blog where I'll tell you about Niamh's first Tumbling and Swimming classes at the Y. And the crazy surprise we got at the Swimming class!

Have a great night!

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