Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Neve had a rough day today. We (Grandpa, Neve and I) went to do some maintenance on one of our rental units. Neve was not happy about that. Grandpa had to eventually drive Neve around the neighborhood while I did the work. I think Neve must be in a little pain with her new teeth. She officially has 2 that have poked through now...the bottom middle 2. Here's the best picture I've been able to get so far...

Mom's trying to put Neve to sleep as I write. I can hear on the baby monitor that it is taking a little work. This is the first day in a REALLY long time that Neve hasn't been perfect for me, but she has been having some issues at night getting to sleep.

I'm a little embarrassed to admit it, but my arm is sore from shooting Play Ball Hoops in the baby room...

Yes, that is an action shot. And I think I missed off of the wicker rim.

We just had a little episode with our dog Ollie and one of Neve's Christmas gifts. Grandma gave Neve a stuffed animal rocking horse. I think all of the granddaughters now have this toy. Some of my family calls him Clip-ity Clop. We call him Sir Winston ChurchHorse.

Well, I was playing with Neve in her room just a little bit ago. And I look over and Sir Winston ChurchHorse is being humped by Ollie! Which is surprising because Ollie never does that. I immediately yelled at him. Afterwards, I was actually a little disappointed that I didn't think to get a picture first. So, when Beth got home lo and behold Ollie started to do it again. So I grabbed the camera BEFORE I yelled at Ollie...

BUT I'm not sure if I'm going to post that picture on this baby blog. It might be just a little inappropriate. I think I may ask Mom first. But stay tuned...

Have a great night! I know Ollie won't!

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