Wednesday, February 15, 2012

The Ultimate Night Light

After I put Neve to sleep tonight, I sat up in her room reading for a bit. This is the window I get to look out over. Well, sort of. It's looking through the laundry area and bathroom. But it does make quite the night light...

Now there's some inspiration to get Neve sound asleep!

Here are a couple of pictures from today. I noticed Neve messing with a strap to one of my camera bags and it sort of looked like a mustache on her. I wasn't able to get the perfect mustache shot, but I think she looks pretty darn cute in these...

I meant to post this next picture a few days ago, but never got to it. Neve's 2 front bottom teeth are doing great. I notice them quite a bit now when she's talking or laughing or screaming. Here's a better picture of them (with Grandpa holding Neve's mouth open)...

Have a great night!

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