Saturday, November 12, 2011

Double Overtime

Daddy, Nevie and Mommy are all putting in some more overtime this weekend. Ollie is the only one who seems unfazed...

While Beth is finishing up a big project at work, Neve and I have been hanging out. She's been great! We met some family at Pasta House for lunch. A large number of the women on my side of the family were out for their annual shopping day. I think they begin at around 7 in the morning and go until the last one of them drops. Neve got a little glimpse of what she can "look forward to."

The last couple of days were not quite as pleasant as today. I have to say that Neve was, um... a handful. I think either she's getting a tooth in or has had some stomach issues. I think it may have been the stomach because the Poop Machine had slowed down... that is, until this morning! So, I guess Poopy = Happy in Neve's world.

Speaking of poop, one of the things that's been bugging me lately is Ollie's obsession with breast milk and poop. He's destroyed a few bottles and has managed to sneak behind my back and lick a couple of Neve's dirty diapers! Beth laughs about it, but I'm not as amused. I guess it's the bulldog in him that will eat just about anything.

But instead of leaving you with that image, I'll leave you with a few more pleasant ones...

 Maybe I should change the name of this blog to Neve's Photo Album.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. I can see why dirty diapers could be enticing to a dog. I'm keeping my eyes on Snoop.
