Thursday, November 10, 2011

Vegan Pizza

I can't believe how little that I get done some days. Today was one of those days. Once, shortly before Neve was born, I was at a Mall eating in the food court. While I was eating, a guy grabbed the table next to me. He had 3 little girls with him, with ages probably about 6 months old, a year and a half old and maybe 4 or 5 years old. Walking up to the table, he had one girl in a baby bjorn carrier (I know it was Baby Bjorn because I ended up asking him about it), one girl was holding his hand and the third was walking by herself next to him. I sat there and watched the whole time while he coordinated ordering the food, eating the food and cleaning up the food, all with his 3 little girls. I was impressed at the time, but now that guy is now my hero.

My Dad even came over for about an hour today (I'm very lucky he's retired and has some time on his hands). I was able to get a little speed cleaning done, which I think I've become pretty good at. Now regular, normal cleaning I still suck at. I was also able to finally plant some flower buds that my Mom brought over last weekend. I was supposed to get those in on Sunday. Sorry, Mom. I hope they survive.

 Here are some cute moments of the day...

Yes, there are only two of them. Neve was a handful today. That's all I'll say about that.

When Beth got home, I did get a chance to make her a Vegan pizza though...

If you'd have told me, I don't know maybe 3 or 4 years ago, that I'd be a stay at home dad and be cooking vegan dinners, I'd have doubled over in laughter.

But I wouldn't trade it for the world!

Have a great night!


  1. First off, Ben and I love the watermelon shirt Nevie is wearing! Brings back wonderful memories and she looks the cutest in it.

    Second, is Neve reading Something from Nothing?

  2. Well, reading in a very loose sense. But yeah, it is Something from Nothing!

  3. Thanks! I wouldn't know if it tasted any good though. I had a similar looking pizza next to this one, but with real cheese on it. I have gotten used to some of the vegan stuff, but not the cheese yet.

  4. it doesn't really taste like cheese but it is good. i just think of it as another topping option since i'm anti-cheese lately! although, walter is VERY pro-cheese so he eats it a lot! oh, and i've made pizza with no cheese or substitute cheese and it is very good too.
