Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Perfect Moment

I just had a perfect moment.

Neve had been sleeping on Beth while we were watching a movie. Beth asked if I wanted some cuddle time. So we very carefully and slowly exchanged little Nevie. I got a few moments of sleeping beauty on my chest and then some time with her slowly waking up with a huge grin just for me.

I was fully immersed in that moment.

Which is more rare than I'd like. It was perfect. It was joy. Realizing that I had some small part in creating this beautiful, smiling baby girl. But it was also sad. I tried to stay present as long as I could, but the moment was fleeting and I could not hold on forever. My mind started drifting to how incredibly fast Neve is growing and changing and how soon it won't be the same. I know there will still be other perfect moments, but they just don't seem to last long enough.

Sometimes I feel like I take too many pictures of Neve. So some days (like today) I try to put down my camera and take a break. I did not take a single picture of Neve today. Sometimes I get so caught up trying to catch the moment that I'm not actually as present as I should be. But I guess the pictures may be one small way for me to hold on to some part of those prefect moments.

And I also have to think about friends and family and Grandpas and Grandmothers and Aunts and Uncles and Mommy when she's at work. For those who get even less of those perfect moments with Neve. And for me... for when Neve is too big to sleep on my chest. So, here's a couple of pictures for us...

Have a great night!


  1. Those perfect moments are what it is all about. I learned that more with Geneva---to slow down and enjoy the small moments. Our babies grow so fast. Katherine always slept on Nick's chest & still likes to fall asleep sitting with him in the chair.

  2. being present and living in the moment...one of the most difficult and rewarding things we can make ourselves do. our babies make it easier because that's all they know; this moment.

    btw, you won't regret having all those pictures :)

  3. I can't comment on every post right now although I would if I could (gotta go to bed though!) But this one really spoke to me... this is exactly how I felt when Marisol was a baby, I was so sad because I knew it was going to fly and I would hardly remember it. It's true... So more and more I am learning to really live in the moment and savor it because it's truly all we have. But I also love to take pictures! haha - it's a balancing act. Love your blog! You are awesome.
